The 47-year-old arrested says he is "sorry", but does not respond to the investigating judge. Detention in prison confirmed La Polizia davanti all'ambulatori dove è avvenuta l'aggressione "I'm ...
A Fiat Panda overturned on the bends of state road 198. At the wheel was a woman from Arzana, rescued by 118 personnel and the Lanusei firefighters. It happened yesterday afternoon at kilometer ...
Immerse yourself in the life of two enchanting villages on the island, interact with the locals, actively participate in daily activities, from artisanal to food and wine, but also contribute to ...
A 24-year-old Japanese tourist drowned on the coast of Pula, in Pinus Village. According to initial information , she was on a trip on a dinghy with friends and dived into the water: she felt ill ...
Road accident this morning in Cagliari, around 9:45, at the intersection of via Cao di San Marco and via Bacaredda. A car and a motorcycle were involved in the crash. A couple of very young people ...
According to the AL investigations, from Orosei, he fell after feeling ill, perhaps following a strong fright. L'ospedale San Francesco di Nuoro It would not be an accident at work, but rather a ...
The girl was hospitalized at San Raffaele in Milan, she had suffered from heart problems since she was a teenager Susanna Pernici (Foto concessa) The community of Castelsardo was shocked by the ...
Chain collision this morning on the 195 at the gates of Cagliari, in the direction of the capital. Cars and an Arst bus were involved. A 10-year-old boy who was traveling in a car was injured and ...
A moment of particular interest for the entire Sardinian agricultural world: it is the 2024 edition of the "Oscar Green Coldiretti - Roots for the future", a day dedicated to young people with ...
A 74-year-old man, Giampaolo Bregante, shot his wife, Cristina Marini. After the murder, he went to the police and confessed. According to initial reports, the man said he killed his wife to "put ...
With a declaration of "unworthiness to succeed" to the inheritance of the assets of his wife who died on 26 March 2008, whose universal heir is the couple's youngest daughter, the judge of the ...
Rivers flooded and thousands of people evacuated with mayors who, as the rivers flood, invite people to stay on the upper floors or to leave their homes: in Emilia Romagna, especially in the ...