Good health is the keystone of a prosperous and just country. The Commission on Health and Prosperity is a landmark initiative, exploring the case that a fairer country is a healthier country, and ...
Leading figures from health, politics and wider society propose most ambitious blueprint for the nation's health since the Beveridge report A comprehensive plan for a modern 21st century health ...
Responding to Lord Ara Darzi’s review into the state of the NHS Chris Thomas, head of the IPPR Commission on Health and Prosperity, said: "This investigation has produced both an accurate and timely ...
Keir Starmer’s government has committed to tabling an Employment Rights Bill within 100 days of entering office which will ...
National poll of over 1,000 finds employers believe strengthening workers’ rights would be positive for productivity and profits New polling for IPPR, the TUC and Persuasion UK by Opinium has found ...
£1.6 billion cost to the state over a lifetime for just a single cohort of permanently excluded children Children from low-income backgrounds, with special educational needs, and those with mental ...
As anticipated, today’s Programme for Government was underwhelming and light on new initiatives. Within the currently constrained public finances it’s far from clear that the Scottish government is ...
The tax system this government inherited actively works against its ambition to rebalance the country with income from work taxed higher than income from wealth IPPR’s analysis found that those in ...
Today’s National Travel Survey statistics from the Department for Transport reveal that: People on the lowest income are far less mobile than the wealthiest in England, or even the average person.
The government must halt and reverse the UK's unprecedented environmental crisis and depleting natural environment, or risk missing key climate targets, says IPPR. The country ranks among the bottom ...