Visit Engage Ottawa to complete a short survey about how you prefer to hear from us. The survey will close on Friday, February 21. Your feedback will help shape our efforts to improve communications ...
At a special meeting of the Ottawa Board of Health yesterday evening, the Board approved the appointment of Dr. Trevor Arnason as Interim Medical Officer of Health for Ottawa Public Health (OPH), ...
À vos pinceaux! est un programme de mobilisation des jeunes financé par les Travaux publics et géré par la Direction générale des services sociaux et communautaires (DGSSC) de la Ville d’Ottawa. Il ...
Before applying for funding through Paint It Up!, applicants must secure property authorization and apply for preliminary location approval for their mural project through the Mural Application Form ...
Cette année, les camps du congé de mars, offerts en français et en anglais, sont ouverts aux enfants et aux jeunes âgés de 4 à 14 ans. Nos moniteurs feront découvrir à vos enfants des activités ...
We’ve got something fun planned for your kids over the March break. Check out for a wide variety of themes, activities, and interests at affordable prices. Registration is Tuesday, ...
The schedules listed in the charts below are subject to change. Holiday hours and programs may vary. Changes will be reflected through the booking process.
Enquire about availability and/or reserve a space with this facility. The City of Ottawa has hundreds of indoor and outdoor spaces suitable for special events, meetings, sports, and gatherings of all ...
Découvrez les nouveaux rendus et ce à quoi le futur Lansdowne pourrait ressembler. Pour en savoir plus sur le projet et vous abonner aux courriels de mise à jour, rendez-vous sur le site Participons ...
The site plan for the North Side Stands at Lansdowne is ready for public review. Join City staff for an upcoming public information session to ask questions and learn more about the plan and how ...
En bref, Kanata-Nord est une grappe de technologies d’envergure nationale qui contribue grandement à l’économie métropolitaine d’Ottawa. La Ville compte d’autres quartiers importants, tels que le ...
In short, Kanata North is a nationally significant technology cluster and a major contributor to Ottawa’s metropolitan economy. The City has other significant districts, such as the ByWard Market, ...