A cat rescue charity has said it has rehomed a record number of cats and kittens this year. Venture Farm Cat Rescue in ...
Solar farms are a key part of the plan for more renewable energy, with some of the largest in the UK proposed for Norfolk.
A couple at Peterborough station recreate a photo taken decades before A steak-stealing cat, a football fan stuck in a ...
The union and trust had agreed to introduce a new, national pay-band structure for healthcare assistants, but the union has ...
A recycling centre worker shared a hack to test if wrapping paper can be recycled. Sarah Clarke, information education ...
A father who saved his family during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has recalled how he "missed death five times on that day".
A cricket association chairman said he feared for the future of the village game in a county which boasts England's champion ...
Два года назад антрополог Александра Архипова узнала, что на нее написала донос некая «Анна Коробкова». С тех пор «Коробкова» ...
جمیل حسن که توسط مردمی که در نزدیکی خانه او زندگی می‌کردند به عنوان "قصاب" یاد می‌شود، از جمله شخصیت های ارشد رژیم ابشار اسد ...
પાકિસ્તાની ઍરફોર્સે અફઘાનિસ્તાનમાં કરેલી ઍરસ્ટ્રાઇકમાં 46 લોકો માર્યા ગયા હોવાનો આરોપ તાલિબાને લગાવ્યો છે. તાલિબાને દાવો ...
بحسب منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (يونيسكو)، ومؤسسة "غينيس" للأرقام القياسية، فإن أقدم جامعة في العالم هي ...
شهدت المنطقة تحولات دراماتيكية كشفت عن خيوط معقدة تربط بين أحداث متسارعة. فسقوط نظام بشار الأسد، الذي صمد لعقدين من الزمن ...