Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Squid Game is not a new concept. That doesn’t mean it is bad. It just means there is other content out there fans can enjoy ...
Here's a detailed list of 7 popular and must-watch anime in India and where you can stream them. These seven anime series ...
What happens when the world’s greatest hitman retires to run a convenience store? Don't miss Sakamoto Days, the new anime ...
Netizens can’t contain their excitement as they share their experiences of watching this masterpiece on the big screen.
Gundam is one of the foremost franchises in the world of anime, with its best stories individually having fascinating twists ...
Yusuke must become an underworld detective charged with investigating demons, apparitions, and other creatures of the night. This shojo series from Toei Animation is a 90s anime staple that ...
He is allowed to return to his body for a price: Yusuke must become an underworld detective charged with investigating demons, apparitions, and other creatures of the night. This shojo series from ...
Across every streaming platform fans can get their hands on, Dragon Ball Daima is easily one of the fall season’s must-watch anime. The last piece of work from the late creator Akira Toriyama ...
Toussaint Egan (he/him) is a curation editor, out to highlight the best movies, TV, anime, comics ... his former associates and adversaries, Taro must join forces with Shin, a former assassin ...