Route Maxi Taxi op­er­a­tors want the Gov­ern­ment to pay them over $4 mil­lion owed to them fol­low­ing a court judg­ment at the Privy Coun­cil over two decades ago.
Po­lice of­fi­cers from the Point Fortin Po­lice Sta­tion are search­ing for a gun­man who shot a Chi­nese na­tion­al at her restau­rant in Fan­ny Vil­lage, Point Fortin, on Thurs­day.
Po­lice Com­plaints Au­thor­i­ty (PCA) di­rec­tor David West is urg­ing the Gov­ern­ment to al­lo­cate re­sources to the ju­di­cia­ry to en­sure it can op­er­ate at full staffing lev­els.
In an up­date yes­ter­day, the Min­istry of Health said the num­ber of lab­o­ra­to­ry-con­firmed deaths for 2024 now stands at 18.
Ap­prox­i­mate­ly 28 po­lice of­fi­cers in To­ba­go were recog­nised for their ef­forts in fight­ing crime, which led to the seizure of sev­er­al il­le­gal guns and am­mu­ni­tion over the past nine ...
Three days af­ter Health Min­is­ter Ter­rence Deyals­ingh was robbed of his gold be­ra and two men were held in con­nec­tion with the crime, two Op­po­si­tion MPs say they wish every cit­i­zen could ...
Colm Im­bert, an ex­pe­ri­enced hand at bud­get pre­sen­ta­tions giv­en his long tenure in the Fi­nance Min­istry, should have set­tled on the main ar­eas of fo­cus for the fis­cal pack­age weeks ago.
In­ves­ti­ga­tors were ex­pect­ed to seek ad­vice from the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions last evening on charg­ing a 40-year-old man in con­nec­tion with the death of Freeport moth­er of two, ...
There is a sil­ver lin­ing for this coun­try once it can move to the graylist where the coun­try is mon­i­tored but not re­strict­ed, as op­posed to be­ing on the Eu­ro­pean Union black­list.
JavaScript is disabled in your web browser or browser is too old to support JavaScript. Today almost all web pages contain JavaScript, a scripting programming language that runs on visitor's web ...
In the first in­ci­dent around 1.40 am, Jay­den Moore, 19, of He­len Street, Red Hill, D’Abadie, was found bleed­ing from mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds while be­hind the wheel of a gold Nis­san Ti­i­da.
Bish­op of the An­gli­can Dio­cese, Rev­erend Claude Berkley, has stat­ed that crime, vi­o­lence, mur­ders and oth­er acts of law­less­ness con­tin­ue to erode cit­i­zen’s qual­i­ty of life.