Storm Boris, which has been pummelling Europe for the last week, has now reached northern Italy. Towns and cities in the Emilia Romagna region have been hit by severe flooding forcing around 1,500 ...
Lebanese health authorities reported that at least three people were killed and more than a dozen others wounded in an Israeli strike on Beirut on Friday, the first such Israeli attack on the Lebanese ...
This is the equivalent of an average of 10.2 deaths per 100,000 people. "Even one suicide is one too many. So the fact that we have had a decrease of the suicide rate by 13% in th ...
The amount of land ravaged in Portugal's recent devastating wildfires is estimated to cover 122,000 hectares. Around 83% of the land is located in the north and centre of the country.
Az Egyesült Államok előző hírszerzési parancsnoka szerint Amerikának mélyen át kell vizsgálnia saját biztonsági rendszerének repedéseit és beszerzési láncolatát. Közben péntek délután Izrael megölte a ...
A cheap antidepressant drug may be able to treat a particularly aggressive, currently incurable brain tumour, Swiss scientists found in early lab research. There are few treatments for glioblastoma, a ...
Az Euronews a venezuelai ellenzék vezetőjét, Maria Corina Machadót kérdezte arról, mit gondol az EU szerepéről abban a ...
Fransa'nın şarap endüstrisi de içkiye yönelik uluslararası talebin azalmasından etkileniyor. 2023'te şarap ihracat rakamları bir önceki yıla kıyasla yüzde 10'luk düşüş kaydetti. Fransa, 2023 yılında ...
Albánia "feltétel nélküli szeretete" Olaszország iránt azt jelenti, hogy Rómának kizárólagos kiváltsága, hogy menedékkérőket ...
Az Európai Unió a befagyasztott orosz vagyonok terhére 35 milliárd eurós hitelt ad Ukrajnának – jelentette be Kijevben Ursula von der Leyen. #EuropeNews ...
Portekiz'de devam eden yangınlarda 121.000 hektardan fazla bir alanın tahrip olduğu belirtiliyor.
Maymun çiçeği salgınından en çok etkilenen Orta Afrika ülkesi, hastalığı kontrol altına almak için mücadele ediyor.