The first is called the liturgy of the Word and the second the Eucharistic liturgy. In the first part a passage from the ...
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 is an occasion to renew faith in Christ as the source of life and unity. Inspired ...
O Evangelho de hoje termina com uma frase que merece nossa atenção. É o comentário do evangelista sobre o milagre que acabou de narrar: O que Jesus fez em Caná da Galileia foi o primeiro de seus ...
Today’s Gospel concludes with a phrase that deserves our attention. It is the commentary that the evangelist makes about the miracle he has just narrated: This that Jesus did in Cana of Galilee was ...
El evangelio de este día concluye con una frase que merece nuestra atención. Es el comentario que el evangelista hace en torno al milagro que acaba de narrar: Esto que Jesús hizo en Caná de Galilea ...
La Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos, celebrada anualmente del 18 al 25 de enero, comienza este año 2025 con el lema inspirado en Juan 11,26: «Yo soy la resurrección y la vida… ¿Crees ...
With a heart full of gratitude, a ‘Thomasian’ (as alumni of Colegio Santo Tomas de Villanueva-Recoletos de San Carlos, Philippines are known) returned to his alma mater to celebrate his recent ...
St. Augustine recounts his conversion with depth and honesty in the eighth book of his Confessions. Within the account, a particular moment stands out in which the figure of St. Anthony Abbot becomes ...