Bruce Mendenhall, known as the "Truck Stop Serial Killer," was convicted on Wednesday (January 22) for the murder of Carma Purpura in Indiana. Mendenhall, a former truck driver, is already serving two ...
Former truck stop driver Bruce Mendenall has been now been convicted of three murders and is the suspect in several others.
Bruce Mendenhall, 73, is already serving life sentences for the killings of Sara Nicole Hulbert and Symantha Winters ...
The jury trial for an accused serial killer accused of slaying an Indy woman 17 years ago has ended in a verdict.
Bruce Mendenhall, a former truck driver, was convicted of murdering a woman in Indiana. He is already serving two life sentences for killing two women in Tennessee, and is charged or is a suspect in ...
Bruce Mendenall showed no emotion as he heard, for the third time in his life, that he was being found guilty of murder after ...
Convicted 'Truck Stop Serial Killer' Bruce Mendenhall found guilty of 2007 murder of Indianapolis woman Carma Purpura.
A suspected serial killer has been found guilty of killing a woman almost 18 years ago, after his trial in Indianapolis.
The jury trial for an accused serial killer accused of slaying an Indy woman 17 years ago has ended in a verdict.
Bruce Mendenhall is now 73 years old as he shuffled into a sixth-floor courtroom at the Community Justice Center to stand ...