Jeff Trammell created Marvel Animation's new 'Spider-Man' adventure, featuring the voices of Hudson Thames as Peter Parker ...
Featuring Spider-Man heavily connected to S.H.I.E.L.D., it eventually offered up its own animated version of the comic book’s ...
The story follows a teenage Peter Parker (voiced by Hudson Thames) as he gets the hang of fighting crime in Queens, New York ...
M agneto and Charles Xavier have shaped X-Men lore for decades as key mutant leaders, but the current era is shaping up to be ...
The Raid on Graymalkin is over, but the manhunt is just beginning. The four-part crossover between between Marvel’s ...
From the late 1990s and all through the early 21st century, TV saw a meteoric rise in animated shows aimed at adults.
As the X-Men continue their new "From the Ashes" era, fans can expect a few favorites to finally get their own titles in the ...
Man, but is the Marvel Animation series a worthy successor to the web-slinger's past forays into the animated realm? Here's ...
He’s the amazing, spectacular, freshman, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. In the first Spider-Man animated series from ...
We've rounded up a few of the Star Wars rumors that have been shared online over the past week or so, including updates on Henry Cavill's (possible) involvement and Natalie Portman's ...
We have a round-up of some intriguing Star Wars-related rumors that have been shared online this week, including a possible ...