Theres a third, much smaller category of games that allow you to actually create planes.
"We are now cooperating at a sort of equal level with the threat – being a lot more humble and thinking more efficiently," ...
Despite its undeniable popularity, the anime art style has not quite managed to become mainstream in the gaming industry.
Despite some solvable technical issues, Reflector Entertainment has successfully crafted an intricate gem with Unknown 9: ...
President Donald remains a disruptive stunt-machine, but if Saturday Night Live pacifies Trump with “We have been with you all along,” let’s reassess MAGA results. Famed for my realistic positivism, a ...
Minoo Masani, who often crossed swords with Nehru, says: "He never used the police to silence his critics, he played the game ...
The trilateral Freedom Edge exercise comes after North Korea launched a nuclear-capable missile and sent troops to Russia.
According to the manufacturer, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the J-20S is the first and only model of a twin-seat ...
Combining strategy and ultra realistic, simulation-style naval battles, War Thunder rival Sea Power has finally hit Steam ...
China will unveil a new stealth fighter jet and attack drones at a major airshow this week, with analysts and rival powers watching closely for rare clues on Beijing's military hardware development.
Modelled on the J-31 stealth fighter and resembling the American F-35, the J-35A is designed for airstrip operations rather than aircraft carrier use, expanding the PLA’s air capabilities.