Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Squid Game is not a new concept. That doesn’t mean it is bad. It just means there is other content out there fans can enjoy ...
Here's a detailed list of 7 popular and must-watch anime in India and where you can stream them. These seven anime series ...
Netizens can’t contain their excitement as they share their experiences of watching this masterpiece on the big screen.
Gundam is one of the foremost franchises in the world of anime, with its best stories individually having fascinating twists ...
Netflix has released new episodes of a show that's sure to satisfy fans of John Wick with its 'over the top violence'. The series, Sakamoto Days, is rapidly gaining a following.
Packed with Shri Ram's incredible stories, this movie delivers both knowledge and entertainment in a delightful format.
And as your friendly neighbourhood Empire has pored over what the next twelve months has in store on screens both big and small, we've found a lot of movies that you simply must see in 2025.
Sakamoto Days is making up for its animation with an entrancing and strong story carried by its captivating characters.
Knowing how to watch Bleach in order must rank up there as one of anime's toughest barriers. With 17 seasons and 400-plus episodes – including a handful of movies – Bleach is one of those ...
While a good portion of the fanbase believed that Kawaki was much weaker than Boruto in the new manga, the truth was that Amado had tinkered with Kawaki's abilities.