In September, the sky gets dark significantly earlier, allowing us to observe the night sky without having to stay up too ...
Night owls are being offered the chance to get magnificent views the Milky Way and Saturn at the popular Star Hub at Sutton ...
Astronomers will soon begin a search of 2,800 galaxies for signs of advanced alien civilizations using a radio telescope in ...
Meader will lead the group through a tour of the constellations and stars visible that evening. Any visible planets, the ...
With winter around the corner it's time to figure out those desert plans! Al Quaa Desert, affectionately known as the "Milky ...
Science Museum Oklahoma will host a grand opening ceremony on Friday to celebrate the new world-class Love's Planetarium.
The new jet, announced in the journal Nature, has been dubbed “Porphyrion” (a giant in Greek mythology) by its discoverers at ...
The highest-caliber planetarium in the U.S. is set for its grand opening Friday at Science Museum Oklahoma in OKC.
For solo travelers, this is an ideal opportunity to escape into nature, with nothing but the stars to keep you company.
DarkSky International officially designated Kaikōura as an International Dark Sky Sanctuary, the twenty-second location ...
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
The Love’s Planetarium, which opened Friday, is the only one of its caliber in North America. With its eight 4K projectors ...