For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to ...
Whitechapel founding member and guitarist Ben Savage celebrates his band's new album, 'Hymns in Dissonance,' out on March 7.
Buzzy novels, compulsively readable memoirs, and a few guilty pleasures.
Celebrate Easter with a heart-warming musical concert by Grammy-nominated violinist, Jenny Oaks Baker. The Redeemer: Music on the Life of Jesus the ...
Lent, the season of penitence, is the preparation of the soul to accompany the Lord in the Passion. It begins now, and ...
Paul Lisicky’s career as a writer and a teacher of writing has spanned decades and genres, but one constant has been his love ...
ANDANTE MUSIC CLUB. The Andante Music Club of Bella Vista invites the public to a free music program featuring vocal and ...
I’ve been feeling a lot of gratitude lately for the religious diversity I’ve experienced in my life. With an Irish Catholic ...
There are about 78 million evangelicals in America. A new Pew study shows they don't all look, vote, or pray the same.
Ambrose brings Brendan into his home out of love, but it is a decision that will fracture his family and force this man to ...
The biggest achievement of Shiva Fest was its official entry into the India Book of Records. For the first time in history, 108 artists collectively painted 108 forms of Lord Shiva in 108 minutes—an ...