When monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju ...
Attack on Titan's Survey Corps may specialize against their world's Titans, but how will they fare against other Kaiju in pop ...
which opened the door for longform Kaiju stories in this unique world. But what happens in the Pacific Rim franchise? Is it ...
When Kaiju come to town you know it's to cause a lot of destruction. But when they come to your game night, it's going to be ...
The Pacific Rim series boasts two movies and an animated series made for Netflix. Between all three entries, one is the best ...
As of last night, we finally have access to a set of Kaiju No. 8 cosmetics, but it'll cost some V-Bucks to collect them all. Here's how you can get every Kaiju outfit, plus how long they'll be in ...