Please refer to the upgrade instructions corresponding to your installation method.
The Form Helper file contains functions that assist in working with forms.
The URI Class provides methods that help you retrieve information from your URI strings. If you use URI routing, you can also retrieve information about the re-routed segments. The optional second ...
Sending email is not only simple, but you can configure it on the fly or set your preferences in a config file. Here is a basic example demonstrating how you might send email. Note: This example ...
The Session class permits you to maintain a user’s “state” and track their activity while they browse your site. CodeIgniter comes with a few session storage drivers, that you can see in the last ...
CodeIgniter provides a comprehensive form validation and data prepping class that helps minimize the amount of code you'll write. Before explaining CodeIgniter's approach to data validation, let's ...
The “auto connect” feature will load and instantiate the database class with every page load. To enable “auto connecting”, add the word database to the library array, as indicated in the following ...
When we use the term "Libraries" we are normally referring to the classes that are located in the libraries directory and described in the Class Reference of this user guide. In this case, however, we ...
CodeIgniter gives you access to a Query Builder class. This pattern allows information to be retrieved, inserted, and updated in your database with minimal scripting. In some cases only one or two ...
BCC Batch Mode, enabling large email lists to be broken into small BCC batches. Sending email is not only simple, but you can configure it on the fly or set your preferences in the ...
The following page contains example code showing how the database class is used. For complete details please read the individual pages describing each function. Note CodeIgniter doesn’t support dots ( ...