China’s electric-vehicle market is offering a tentative challenge to the shift toward batteries with no nickel or cobalt.
TOXIC waste watchdog BAN Toxics on Saturday urged the public to exercise due diligence when buying China-made AA batteries that contain two noxious substances. In a statement, Ban Toxics said the ...
Washington has talked a big game about breaking China’s grip on the world’s mineral supplies. And both presidents Trump and ...
These efforts are about to be given a big boost. Recent breakthroughs in recycling, together with a spate of technological ...
China’s Ministry of Commerce has described the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative’s recent decision to raise tariffs on ...
They’re among 25 projects in 14 states receiving more than $3 billion in infrastructure and jobs act awards announced Friday ...
China has thrown its industrial might behind cleantech, putting Japan in a tough spot as it weighs human rights concerns ...
Under the deal, a Japanese company would license technology from CATL to make lithium iron phosphate cells, similar to CATL's ...
The USTR on Friday announced that the new set of tariffs levied against China-made industrial products is set to go into ...
They will retrofit, expand, and build new domestic facilities for battery-grade processed critical minerals, battery ...