Dave, a young photon, who is forced out of the Sun on a journey of discovery. He must get to the Cassini Space Craft and save it from the forces of the Void, only Dave does not know exactly what ...
The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, a groundbreaking computer research development planned for the former U.S.
Using a clever design of polarization optic, Italian researchers have successfully created four-level 'ququart' quantum states using the polarization and orbital angular momentum of single photons.
Michael Kratsios, chief technology officer at the White House, shares the government's plan to keep up the pace in AI and quantum computing at WSJ Tech Live. Home Browse Series Live Q&A WSJ Events ...
Post Quantum's Classic McEliece algorithm is the only remaining contender in the code-based category of algorithms designed to protect communications from attacks using quantum computers London ...