Although many of us don't take online meetings and presentations seriously, a true Leader knows that they're just as important as those that take place in person.
I was recently tasked with creating a presentation for a client. I was unsure as to whether it was going to be verbally presented via Zoom or handed off via email, so I needed to edit the presentation ...
Fantastic question! It’s so good, I’m going to save it for my next presentation. How do you like the dramatic ‘dark mode’ approach? We’re going for moody vibes today! I think they’re ...
Think about your audience. Who are they and what do they like? Use this to help you design your presentation. Reduce text. Don’t include too much writing - just the key ideas and important ...
One of the key things you will be expected to do is to organise and present your information in a highly structured and purposeful way. Before your presentation: Think about an interesting angle ...