To help, we have a complete watchlist of all the Marvel movies and shows in order. That includes every MCU movie in release date order, plus a Marvel timeline for those watching every Marvel ...
there's also the tricky question of the Marvel movie timeline and which order the films actually take place in. So, to make things easy for you, we've listed all the Marvel films in chronological ...
and all of the Sony Spider-Man movies. If you're looking to watch the Marvel movies in order, then head through the link. Things are relatively simple – for now. The tale of Steve Rogers does ...
we’ve battled against sleepless nights and interoffice fighting to create the ultimate list of the Marvel movies, ranked worst to best. Will you agree with our order completely? Probably not ...
"Casting the likes of Downey and Rourke and then imprisoning them in jointed refrigerators is resource-squandering of the highest order ... movies, while "Ragnarok" is in the top 10 of all Marvel ...
If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. Disney CEO Bob Iger laid out a plan to reduce Marvel Studios’ output and focus on quality ...
In total, there are nine releases on the calendar for 2025, with three films and six series. That’s not exactly a surprise though, considering in May, Bob Iger revealed on Disney’s earnings call that ...
Here are all of the superhero films set to be released between Marvel and DC in 2025. “Captain America: Brave New World” will find Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson picking up the mantle of ...
requiring a bit more effort to catch up on all these movies. In addition to co-producing the Tom Holland MCU Spider-Man movies with Marvel and producing its own animated Spider-Verse movies ...
because here are all of Marvel’s upcoming TV and movie releases. Sam Wilson has taken on the name and shield of former teammate Steve Rodgers, aka Captain America. And after the betrayal of ...
There have been 85 Marvel comics-inspired movies made so far. From "Howard the Duck" to "Kraven the Hunter," here's how critics say they stack up.