Unrequited love is a familiar feeling—the ache of loving someone who doesn’t love you back. All kinds of unrequited love can ...
New research reveals where the brain feels six different types of love—and which is the strongest. Researchers explain which ...
feeling "neighborly love" for a stranger was the weakest type of interpersonal love. Parental, romantic, platonic, and pet ...
All types of interpersonal love triggered areas of the brain associated with social cognition, as opposed to love for animals or nature. However, there was one exception - certain patterns of ...
The woman I dated was engaged to another man. I found it thrilling to be her lover, but the situationship turned me into a ...
Most types of love involving people were found ... The most powerful activation of all was the love experienced by a parent for a child, followed by romantic. However, the pattern of brain ...
What does an avoidant attachment style look like? Expert Stan Tatkin describes a person with an avoidant attachment style as ...
Humans experience different kinds of love, whether parental, platonic, romantic, or even a love of nature. A new study from ...
They discovered that love in different types of relationships results in brain activity of different strengths, but all activated more or less the same brain areas. Stock image of a couple (main ...
The strongest types of love are all associated with more robust activation in the brain's reward centers. The researchers hope their latest (2024) research on how six types of love differentially ...