Under Louis XIV, frigates were organised into "first-rank frigates", which were small two-deckers comparable in role to the 60-gun ships of the 19th century, and smaller "second-rank" frigates. The ...
During our stay H.B.M. screw steamer London, 91 guns, and the Russian 60-gun frigate Cronoweh, arrived and departed. You can inter from the following instance which actually occured, that no ...
Builder: Bath Iron Works: FFG 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 21, 24, 26, 29, 32, 34, 36, 39, 42, 45, 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59 Todd Shipyards, Seattle: FFG 10, 17, 18, 20 ...
The American Company, engaged to raise the sunken fleet at Sebastopol, have lately brought alongside the wharf the 60 gun frigate Koolefchi -- the vessel whose masts have, for so many years ...
The smaller sixth-rates were often popularly called frigates, though not classed as "frigates ... and otherwise comprised all ships carrying at most 80 guns but not less than 60 guns, or the ...
Make a print of your favourite detail Download this work and make your own creation Order a ready-made poster of this work Gepolychromeerd, getuigd blokmodel. Twee en twintig stukken geschut op één ...
Two decker ships of 50–60 guns were no longer ‘fit to stand in the line ... s time had a variety of armaments and gun arrangements, from 32–40 guns. Captured enemy frigates were also used in service, ...
The image of the 60-gun frigate against the backdrop of the shoreline emphasises the importance of island bases like Penang to British activities – both commercial and military – in the Indian Ocean ...
HMS St Albans is a versatile Type 23 frigate – and the most recent addition to the Royal ... The third St Albans was a 60 gun fourth rate. She saw action off Africa against the French in a brief but ...
MORE than 50 guns were handed in to Bury police stations in the final week of April's national gun amnesty. That brings the total to 130 weapons surrendered - including a machine gun - during the ...
This doesn't mean, though, that U.S. aircraft carriers lack any equipped guns of their own ... and 1-2 Anti Submarine Destroyers or Frigates." The mere fact that there are less than a dozen ...